Well.. Today was quite interesting and it's not over yet. For one, I went into Manhattan and saw lots and lots and LOTS of tourists. [Note: If you are a tourist.. please do not walk as though you're going to be walking in SLOW MOTION.] Anyway, I did a little shopping and such and went into a lovely store where I met a lovely boy. Then I left, did a little more shopping, and then went to lunch.
Now, I'm not always one to go overboard when it comes to complaining.. But this is my blog and I've just got to. So with that said, if you'd like to maintain a positive image of me, then please navigate yourself away. If not, then I am now going to rant about my distressing lunch.. Oi.
So today I went to lunch at a restaurant in Manhattan. [Note: Because I have a conscience, I am not going to name the restaurant, but will refer to it as...Cheesy Charlie's? Yeah.] Because I'm a vegetarian, I was hoping to order the Vegan Panini without tomatoes. It wasn't on the menu (though it usually is), so I inquired about it. The waiter told me that it was still available and I placed my order. After waiting for awhile, my order arrived and it was completely a disaster. He brought me a Vegetarian wrap with tomatoes and mayo. And not wanting to be rude, I simply sat there staring at it. Now, I could've easily picked the tomatoes out and eaten the wrap.. But mayo is where I drew the line (no eggies for the veggies). So then I ordered some fries and sat there eating fries and the nachos that came with the wrap. I didn't eat the wrap and the waiter didn't charge me for my fries. So, I suppose it balanced out a bit. But I've learned a few things from that lunch. For one, not to order something off the menu unless the waiter is pleasant enough to get it right. [Sorry, dude.] Secondly, not to sit at a lovely table if the waiter isn't enthusiastic or just trying to get his/her job done. And lastly, never to return to that restaurant.
I know that this entry must make it seem as though I'm a terrible costumer or something, but I mean I just wanted to have a nice meal with pleasant people.. and I don't usually have these kind of things happen to me. So maybe I was overdue for it or something.
And now, the CHALLENGE! Leave a comment or such telling me about an experience you've had at a restaurant. Maybe the waiter gave the last cheesecake slice you asked him to save to another customer. Or maybe you had a great time and got an extra order of onion rings? You tell me.
So now I am off to do another photo shoot.
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