Sunday, August 9, 2009

Lame Titled Post

Well, I didn't really know what to put up right now, so I decided to post a random information about yours truly. I also considered adding a section for quotes, but I figured I'll do that in another post. For now, I've decided to post about things that are currently going on/affecting/dot dot squaring my life.

What I Am Currently Doing:
Eating the remainder of my Dum Dum Pop and listening to The Killers.
Things I've Misplaced And Wish I Had:
Canvas and Hat [Update: I've located the canvas; no word on my hat.]
What I Wish I Was Currently Doing:
Playing guitar and|or talking to certain people.
Why I'm Not Doing Just That:
My guitar's out of tune (I was too lazy to fix that problem) and the people have fallen down a well.
Six Items That Are In My Reach:
My cell phone, Dum Dum wrapper, guitar pick, Maurice, Nemo, and Vivi..?
A Few Things I Hope To Buy In The Near Future:
Ice cream, jeans, bag, coffee|tea mug, presents.
Who|What I Want To Be For Halloween '09:
Seth.. Except, better. I'll teach him how to be himself.
What I Hope To Do Before The Week Is Over:
Track down people, paint, have a photo session and gain subscribers.. For this and B.C. [see link in the image of the previous post.]

Cookie Dough.