Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tigers, Robots, and College..

So today was VERY interesting. I went to an event for my college and it was weird, random, fun, awkward, and a little surprising. First off, we sat at a table with black balloons, which floated away before breakfast was over (and then the other tables started copying us). Then we all walked around the school... just to walk back into it. Then we sat on the poor grass and I met three of my twins; a hyper Gemini, a girl who shared my birthday; and another chickadee with too many similarities to name. But they were all amazing. And in between all of that, I introduced myself as Oprah, Hannah Montana, Alvira, and Pandora, saw a guy on stilts singing 'Eye of the Tiger' and also a robot knight, and gave a ton of high fives. All in all, I've realized that my school is filled with bizarre people and activities. I think I made a good choice. And now my challenge to you is: Have you ever been placed in an awkward and random situation and then take advantage of the whole situtation and redefined their definition of weird? Or maybe you were awkward and didn't know how to react? Or who knows, maybe you've found the perfect school that suits you? Whichever it may be, leave it in a comment or such.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Lunch And The City..

Well.. Today was quite interesting and it's not over yet. For one, I went into Manhattan and saw lots and lots and LOTS of tourists. [Note: If you are a tourist.. please do not walk as though you're going to be walking in SLOW MOTION.] Anyway, I did a little shopping and such and went into a lovely store where I met a lovely boy. Then I left, did a little more shopping, and then went to lunch.
Now, I'm not always one to go overboard when it comes to complaining.. But this is my blog and I've just got to. So with that said, if you'd like to maintain a positive image of me, then please navigate yourself away. If not, then I am now going to rant about my distressing lunch.. Oi.
So today I went to lunch at a restaurant in Manhattan. [Note: Because I have a conscience, I am not going to name the restaurant, but will refer to it as...Cheesy Charlie's? Yeah.] Because I'm a vegetarian, I was hoping to order the Vegan Panini without tomatoes. It wasn't on the menu (though it usually is), so I inquired about it. The waiter told me that it was still available and I placed my order. After waiting for awhile, my order arrived and it was completely a disaster. He brought me a Vegetarian wrap with tomatoes and mayo. And not wanting to be rude, I simply sat there staring at it. Now, I could've easily picked the tomatoes out and eaten the wrap.. But mayo is where I drew the line (no eggies for the veggies). So then I ordered some fries and sat there eating fries and the nachos that came with the wrap. I didn't eat the wrap and the waiter didn't charge me for my fries. So, I suppose it balanced out a bit. But I've learned a few things from that lunch. For one, not to order something off the menu unless the waiter is pleasant enough to get it right. [Sorry, dude.] Secondly, not to sit at a lovely table if the waiter isn't enthusiastic or just trying to get his/her job done. And lastly, never to return to that restaurant.
I know that this entry must make it seem as though I'm a terrible costumer or something, but I mean I just wanted to have a nice meal with pleasant people.. and I don't usually have these kind of things happen to me. So maybe I was overdue for it or something.
And now, the CHALLENGE! Leave a comment or such telling me about an experience you've had at a restaurant. Maybe the waiter gave the last cheesecake slice you asked him to save to another customer. Or maybe you had a great time and got an extra order of onion rings? You tell me.
So now I am off to do another photo shoot.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Residential Ghost..

The Residential Ghost.
Yes, that is I. I am not going to sit here and type excuses as to why I haven't posted anything here in ages, but I will say that I am TIRED. [Note: I just felt like typing that in capitals for dramatic effect.]
Moving on.. I don't really know what to say in this post, so I suppose I'll do another Fish Bowl Post! WHEEEEEEEEEE.

How do you make a star?
[Asked By: T. Squishy]

Ah.. to make a star.. Now, there are many types of stars, and thus, there are many methods of making these stars. Since the askee isn't here at the moment to specify, I will tell you a method that I am aware of.
First, I get some plasma and gravity. Play blitzball with both for awhile and then pause to get a helium balloon. Remove the helium and then condense all of the ingredients. Next, take the sphere that Jamii got me for my birthday and throw it at the mixture. After the smoke clears, I have myself a star...
And if that happens to fail, I can always ask my Vickii to make me a few lucky stars. She's awesome at that. Much better than yours truly.
So now I challenge you to leave a comment or such telling me how you make stars or would like to. Or better yet, ask me something and maybe I'll answer it in a FB post.
[By the way.. this entry is filler.. not meant to make sense or anything.. Till next time when we resume with our dramatic anime series! Whoosh.. Oh dear, I'm so weird.]

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Rain Sneezed On Me..

Today was cool and sunny, so I went into Manhattan. It was pretty awesome; I hung out a bit, took some photos, and bought some pins and bracelets. It was actually pretty funny because I kept saying that I act like such a tourist even though I've lived here all my life, and there were only like three tourists taking photos and such.. Hm.. Anyway, I also had a nice conversation about pins with the guy who sold them to me and then I had a raspberry.
When I was headed home, I had to make a pit stop and when I was leaving the store, the rain sneezed on me, so now I'm potentially sick.. It wasn't even the rain that you could escape from by waiting under an awning; it was monsoon rain. So, I had to tough it out and rush home. And with my luck, about ten minutes after I got home, the rain stopped. But it was all super awesome.
Now then, with that said, I leave you all with yet another challenge: Have you ever been caught in terrible weather only to have it dissipate once you were.. safer, I guess? OR have you ever been outside having an amazing day and then the weather just did a 180 on you? If so, leave it in a comment or such.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Lame Titled Post

Well, I didn't really know what to put up right now, so I decided to post a random information about yours truly. I also considered adding a section for quotes, but I figured I'll do that in another post. For now, I've decided to post about things that are currently going on/affecting/dot dot squaring my life.

What I Am Currently Doing:
Eating the remainder of my Dum Dum Pop and listening to The Killers.
Things I've Misplaced And Wish I Had:
Canvas and Hat [Update: I've located the canvas; no word on my hat.]
What I Wish I Was Currently Doing:
Playing guitar and|or talking to certain people.
Why I'm Not Doing Just That:
My guitar's out of tune (I was too lazy to fix that problem) and the people have fallen down a well.
Six Items That Are In My Reach:
My cell phone, Dum Dum wrapper, guitar pick, Maurice, Nemo, and Vivi..?
A Few Things I Hope To Buy In The Near Future:
Ice cream, jeans, bag, coffee|tea mug, presents.
Who|What I Want To Be For Halloween '09:
Seth.. Except, better. I'll teach him how to be himself.
What I Hope To Do Before The Week Is Over:
Track down people, paint, have a photo session and gain subscribers.. For this and B.C. [see link in the image of the previous post.]

Cookie Dough.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Blank Canvas Debut

Hey, everyone. I know I've been gone for awhile, but I'm here now.
You may or may not be wondering what's happened to me, but I shall tell anyway. Why? This is my blog, remember?
Well, as I've seen in previous post(s), I've been mentioned that I'll be working on a collab blog with a few others. The blog is well on its way now and we're ready to go! Although we've only started with our bios, you should totally subscribe to us [and me] because it's going to be an AMAZING blog-magazine. Basically our goal is to create a magazine for teens that isn't like any other. Sure, we'll be covering some typical topics, BUT it will be in a totally different light. Why? Because humans weren't made from cookie cutters. We're all different and have different skin, hair, morals, ideas, thoughts, dreams and so much more. So, with that said, PLEASE go check out Blank Canvas. I assure you, that if you subscribe now, YOU will NOT regret it. So click the image below and you'll be redirected to our blog. Thank you all in advance.
