So, today I went out and had some fun. On my way home, I was informed that there was a fire in the neighborhood. As I turned into my street, I saw that the fire department was still there. I didn't exactly see the fire, but I did come in time to see that the wires were sparking and popping and on the verge of exploding. I skidded home and before I knew it, there was a blackout.
It was super fun but I barely got any work done. Not only that but the fire dept. wasn't all that helpful as they were just standing around and toasting to the occasion with their water and Gatorade bottles. Nice to know where the taxpayers' money's going.
The power has obviously been restored thanks to ConEd and I hope that tomorrow I can get back to working with Blank Canvas.
[Note: I don't have anything against the Fire Dept. and respect what they do.. most of the time.]
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