Wednesday, July 29, 2009


So, today I went out and had some fun. On my way home, I was informed that there was a fire in the neighborhood. As I turned into my street, I saw that the fire department was still there. I didn't exactly see the fire, but I did come in time to see that the wires were sparking and popping and on the verge of exploding. I skidded home and before I knew it, there was a blackout.
It was super fun but I barely got any work done. Not only that but the fire dept. wasn't all that helpful as they were just standing around and toasting to the occasion with their water and Gatorade bottles. Nice to know where the taxpayers' money's going.
The power has obviously been restored thanks to ConEd and I hope that tomorrow I can get back to working with Blank Canvas.
[Note: I don't have anything against the Fire Dept. and respect what they do.. most of the time.]

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Carpal Tunnel And..?

Well.. It seems that I've got just a wee case of carpal tunnel in my left wrist. You may or may not be wondering how this happened.. Well, it happened because of a little game called Rock Band 2. It's not such a big problem. I mean, sure I dreamt about smashing those colored phrases. But that doesn't mean anything. Haha, I'm just kidding. Or am I?
Anyway, in the spirit of short blogging, I'd also like to say that I'll be a part of another blog which will be up and running in the near future. So, I'll post about that again soon..
Oh and a challenge.. Okay, so have you or anyone you know [which is really you in disguise, right?] ever been obsessed with something? Like, maybe painting your closet wall with a different Manic Panic color every day? Or watching a certain web video? Or maybe playing Rock Band 2? Leave it in a comment or such and I will be posting again soon.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

"Weed. It's a plant, right?"

Aloha, again.
There has been some weird things happening as of late. Well, yesterday was kind of fun. Someone in my possibly direct bloodline said something that was hysterical. So I've decided to post it in a reenactment:
[As we were all sitting in the backyard last night, Monsieur Manilow was telling a tale..]
Monsieur Manilow: And the guy was like, 'You can have all the weed, bro.' And the other guy goes, 'C'mon, for what?' And he goes, 'Your shoes'. And so he gave him his shoes for the big bag of weed. He couldn't even finish it!
[Laughter among the group]
PDB Relative: [after a moment of thinking] Weed. It's a plant, right?
[Moment of silence.. which is actually only about two seconds.]
MM, Victor Y. D., and Yours Truly: [LAUGHTER]
YT: Of course it's a plant! What else would it be?!
VYD: No, it's a show on HBO.
YT: [laughs] Actually, it's a band.
PDBR: [in a failed attempt to retract statement..] I was just kidding. I know it's a plant.
YT: Sure..

[After two hours.. I had spaced out a bit and recalled this moment.. and begun laughing hysterically.]
PDBR: Are you alright?
YT: [in between laughing hysterically] 'Weed. It's a plant, right?' C'mon! What else could it be?
[At that point, another fit of laughter broke out among the group.]

Anyway, while last night was pretty fun, so was today. I got reacquainted with ROCK BAND 2! It was pretty awesome. Revamped the band, logo, and everything in between.

And now as I conclude this little post, I challenge anyone who reads this to recall a time in their life when they said something so ridiculous that they received the "WTF?!" look, OR have witnessed someone who did such. Leave a reply and I will be posting again soon.


Friday, July 24, 2009

The Spring Roll Glutton..

Well, today was somewhat eventful.. Or maybe not, I can't remember that far back. Gee, that'd suck if it were true. But anyway, I'm sorry I missed two days.. but Wednesday I happened to be busy and yesterday I happened to be sick. Lame right? Exactly my thoughts.
Moving along, yesterday I purchased spring roll wrappers and lots of veggies! Upon my return home [and after visiting Rip van Winkle], I made spring rolls from scratch! Not the frozen ones you buy and put in frying pan or microwave? I'm not sure. But mine were okay.. HOWEVER, I tried them again today and they were AMAZING. I felt like a little glutton. But when you're the only vegetarian in a house of carnivores, finding foods that everyone enjoys is a truly rare thing.
I decided to spread the wealth and share the recipe I devised. So, here it is.

What You'll Need:
4-6 Spring Roll Wrappers [Available at any Chinese/Japanese/etc. specialty foods store; 25 are less than $1.50]
Lettuce/Cabbage [Preferably Lettuce]
Radish [One is more than enough]
Red Onion [Just a few layers]
Basil Leaves
Oil [Veggie/Canola]
Salt [Optional]
Soy Sauce [Optional]
Potato Peeler [Optional]
Frying Pan/Wok
Spoon/Chopsticks/Spatula/Something that isn't your fingers to turn the rolls while they are cooking
Plate/Bowl/Dish [Include a dish for Soy Sauce If Applicable]

What To Do:
Note: When cutting the lettuce, basil leaves, red onions, carrots, etc (unless you're using baby carrots), ensure that they measure between 1/2 - 5/8 of the spring roll wrapper; some veggies WILL be SMALLER. Is it okay? Yes.
1. To prepare the veggies, please rinse them all and ensure that they are dry before using.
2. Begin to defrost your spring roll wrappers if necessary.
3. Chop the lettuce and basil leaves into vertical strips.
4. Cut the radishes as if you were making potato chips, and then cut the chips vertically into radish fries. xD
5. The same process may be used for the ginger, depending on the shape of the ginger. Be sure to get vertical strips somehow. Ninja skills perhaps?
6. Cut a wedge of onion, separate the layers, and cut vertically. [Note: I've yet to actually use only one layer, but cutting the one layer vertically could also be an alternative.]
7. Using the potato peeler, cut some strips of carrots. If you're using a regular knife, be sure that the strips are nice and thin. Like society wants us all to be.. How ironic right?
8. Separate the spring roll wrappers. [Note: Although they appear and are delicate, they won't tear when separating.. Unless you're super strong.. In which case, you may need some assistance.]
9. While doing this step, you may place the oil in the frying pan on low heat. Next, place a spring roll wrapper on a clean and dry surface. Begin centering and placing the veggies horizontally and closely about 1/2 inch from the bottom of the wrapper. Once the veggies are in place, you may sprinkle a pinch of salt and begin wrapping the spring roll from the bottom up. Be sure to do so tightly, but not too tightly that the wrapper will tear and pop!! About halfway through wrapping, fold the ends inward and continue wrapping until completion. Using your index and middle fingers, press the ends down so that they won't unravel in the pan. Repeat for the next rolls. [Note: I realized a good combination of making spring rolls: wrapper, two-three pieces of lettuce, carrot, two small pieces of ginger and basil leaves (one at either ends), two pieces of onion, four-five pieces of radishes, then two more carrot sticks and lettuce blades]
10. Once the oil is hot, place the spring rolls in the pan without burning yourself. Two-three at a time is fine, depending on the size of your frying pan. They'll be golden brown in less than two minutes, so using your "something that isn't your fingers to turn the rolls while they are cooking" utensil, turn the rolls over. Once the flipped side has gotten its tan, use your utensil to remove them from the pan and onto your plate. Repeat for the next however many rolls you choose to make.
11. Cut the rolls in half and serve with soy sauce. [Note: I haven't tried it in soy sauce, but I figured people tend to like it like that, so.. Also, for added presentation, serve in a square plate with a basil leaf at the side. Looks awesome and tastes even better.]
12. Indulge. In other words, devour. EAT AND ENJOY!

I hope you all enjoyed my rant and recipe and the following is my challenge to you. Make the spring rolls and let me know if they were terrible and made you never want to eat veggies again or so awesome that you've already run out of spring roll wrappers. OR tell me a veggie recipe I should try or something.
P.S. If anyone does decide to try the recipe, please don't hold me accountable for any mishaps. Haha. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dinner And A 2009 Movie?

Well, as you can all see, I have revamped my little blog. It took numerous hours, and yes, I did put the effort and time to do so. There are quite a few topics bouncing around in my head at the moment, but I will save those for other entries. For now, I will introduce the concept of Fishbowl Posts. A Fishbowl Post is where I reply to a question I've been asked. I choose the question at random from a list of questions that people have asked me. Hence, the term Fishbowl.. Anyway, here's the first Fishbowl Post.

What movies do you think were the best so far of 2009?
[Asked By: Mr. Victor Y. D.]

Well, I'm not a big fan of movies. Why? They tend to follow the same plot, rely too much on special effects, fail to surprise me, or not interest me at all. Take the whole Transformers craze.. I just didn't care for it, but I digress. There has only been one good movie of 2009 [that I've seen, at least]. And that would have to be [drum roll!!] Coraline.
Coraline, for those of you who don't know, was based on the book by Neil Gaiman; well worth the read, by the way. The film was directed by Henry Selick [not Tim Burton] and was almost as grand as the book. Coraline was filled with adventure, irony, and life lessons. Seriously. Or maybe I'm not too serious about that. I'm not going to elaborate or further think about that statement. However, it was a great movie because it was colorful, different from the book, and not that many people ruined Coraline. Also, I managed to sit through it and ENJOY it. Which brings me to another point! If a work of ANYTHING is cliché, don't expect me to work my way through it. Really. So, if you're someone who likes HenrySelick|Tim Burton films, a little twist on a not-so-PG-rated-film, talking cats, buttons for eyes, and Other Mothers, go see it if you haven't already, and if you have, do so again. And now I challenge you, my fair reader, to answer this same Fishbowl Question. So leave a comment or such with your favorite movies of this year. OR better yet, ask me a FB question you'd like me to respond to. And whenever I happen to pull the question out of the bowl, I'll answer. Until the next post..

Monday, July 20, 2009

My Debut Into Possible Disaster..

Well, I’ve made countless blogs before, but none have really.. lasted. So, I’m hoping that this one does. I like to rant, but usually don’t have a suitable outlet to do so.. So this blog may or may not become said outlet. I like cookies and ducks. Don’t ask me to elaborate on that, because I am not going to backspace that now and rethink. Will make a list of things that you should know about yours truly soon. Until then.