Thursday, September 10, 2009

-InsertAwesomeNameHere-Day... Currently A WIP.

Huzzah! It hasn't been a fortnight since my last post. Anyway, today was kind of odd. First off, I woke up... at 3AM.. Kind of lame since I don't start class until around eleven. But I at least managed to get in about three hours of extra sleep. Moving along.. I was walking to my first class this morning with my buddy, Mew, and this girl was handing out pamphlets.. We walked passed her, and then she said two words that made me walk back to get one. It was a pamphlet about animal cruelty and I still feel sorry for the critters.. It totally made me thankful to be a vegetarian... but made me kind of want to get more involved. Hm... Oh! I also registered to vote today! I later made calls to the senator to go green and it was awesome. Government officials are much more pleasant on the phone than I thought they'd be.
Anyway, I had a hour to spare before my next class and between calls and such, I ended up wondering something - if I were ever in a position of power.. what would I do? Well, I think I'd have a costume day. No, not Halloween, and I'm not entirely sure why... But I would totally participate and wear about ten costumes... in that one day. I seriously already have a few planned out. I'd also strive for a greener world, raise awareness for animals, and ultimately, strive for world peace. And if all of my motions get vetoed, I'd at least opt for a Free-Hug day. Those are fun. 116 HUGS! And maybe I'd add a day or two to February... I feel like it's the underdog and maybe in MonthLand it gets bullied by all the other months. Or maybe not... it deserves to be unique. I wonder what I'd be thinking if I weren't me and I were reading this. Oh bloody 'ell... Well, before I'm off, here's the challenge. If you were President or Emperor of the World for a month, what would you do? Ban certain park rules that prohibit teens and adults from playing in playgrounds so everyone could play on the slide? Or maybe you'd use your power to stay in power and take over Pluto. No? Alright then... whatever it may be, leave it in a comment or such.