Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Thank You, -Insert Your Name Here [No, really.]-

Well, it's been a very long time now, hasn't it? Hm, well, I've actually tried writing an entry here a few times but to no avail. All the topics seemed lackluster, and I wasn't in the mood to be dull. So today, I was feeling stressed.. CRAZY STRESSED. But then decided to stop. [Hammer Time]
Why? Because of the greatest thing in whole universe. Friends. Not the show, but the actual people that remind you that even when it's clear that your sanity is hanging by a thread, it's still hanging. So, today, I'd like to dedicate this entry to all of my friends - past, present, future, imaginary, and invisible. So if you are reading this with a group of friends, whom I may or may not know, do keep in mind that this is directed not only to you, but to all of them as well. This is dedicated to all of my friends who have been so weird, eccentric, and amazing that they've given me some of the best memories of my life. To the ones that remind me that I do exist to them, even when I forget. To the ones that accept my oddness and still choose to invite me to tag along with them in public places. To all the people that have been with me through our and my own ups and downs, lefts and rights, and are still willing to offer me tea. This is basically to everyone who I've ever spent at least five seconds with, and has changed my life for the better. This if for all the people that encourage me to be the random, oddball that I am. So, with that said, I'd like to dedicate this to the people who I've shared today and yesterday with. And all of the other days with. And now, I can honestly say that because of my friends, I can actually look forward to tomorrow. So, I thank you. Now then, the challenge will be to do the same thing I just did. Write a note to a friend or all of your friends telling them why you appreciate them. Maybe it's because they saved your life. Or shared a cookie with you. Whatever it is, just tell them.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

-InsertAwesomeNameHere-Day... Currently A WIP.

Huzzah! It hasn't been a fortnight since my last post. Anyway, today was kind of odd. First off, I woke up... at 3AM.. Kind of lame since I don't start class until around eleven. But I at least managed to get in about three hours of extra sleep. Moving along.. I was walking to my first class this morning with my buddy, Mew, and this girl was handing out pamphlets.. We walked passed her, and then she said two words that made me walk back to get one. It was a pamphlet about animal cruelty and I still feel sorry for the critters.. It totally made me thankful to be a vegetarian... but made me kind of want to get more involved. Hm... Oh! I also registered to vote today! I later made calls to the senator to go green and it was awesome. Government officials are much more pleasant on the phone than I thought they'd be.
Anyway, I had a hour to spare before my next class and between calls and such, I ended up wondering something - if I were ever in a position of power.. what would I do? Well, I think I'd have a costume day. No, not Halloween, and I'm not entirely sure why... But I would totally participate and wear about ten costumes... in that one day. I seriously already have a few planned out. I'd also strive for a greener world, raise awareness for animals, and ultimately, strive for world peace. And if all of my motions get vetoed, I'd at least opt for a Free-Hug day. Those are fun. 116 HUGS! And maybe I'd add a day or two to February... I feel like it's the underdog and maybe in MonthLand it gets bullied by all the other months. Or maybe not... it deserves to be unique. I wonder what I'd be thinking if I weren't me and I were reading this. Oh bloody 'ell... Well, before I'm off, here's the challenge. If you were President or Emperor of the World for a month, what would you do? Ban certain park rules that prohibit teens and adults from playing in playgrounds so everyone could play on the slide? Or maybe you'd use your power to stay in power and take over Pluto. No? Alright then... whatever it may be, leave it in a comment or such.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Three Cheers For The 90's

Well, it seems it's been awhile. Once again, I don't know what to talk about. So, here's another Fish Bowl Post.

[Asked By: Kierra Callouh]

Well, that's not exactly a question... However, I'd like to take this opportunity to talk about nostalgic things. Take old school cartoons. Remember Pokémon, X-Men, The Rugrats? Super Mario and Sonic The Hedgehog even had cartoons back then. Oh and The Ninja Turtles. I always wanted pizza when I watched that show. It was such a pleasant time when cartoons actually taught a generation something. Granted, it wasn't completely important, but those cartoons had sub-plots and character depth... to a certain degree. Now, it may seem as though I'm about to bash today's cartoons, but I don't really watch them, so I'm just going to continue on with my rant about nostalgic things. Like The Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers! And TGIF...
Moving along... When I was younger, I used to play video games A LOT. To the point where I actually started working on my own video game script. Even now I feel like playing Streets of Rage, Parasite Eve, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, and Mortal Kombat. OH... the MK craze was simply amazing. I'm going to make that my ringtone. I sort of forgot where I was going with this...
Hm... I also liked those little Tamagotchi or GigaPet thingamawatties. The sad thing was, I'd feed it and play with it and come back after ten minutes to discover that it had died. Good thing it was only pixels... Gosh I want one now. Well then, before I go and change my ringtone, YouTube old cartoons, and set up the PlayStation, I'll leave with another Challenge. What are some nostalgic things from your childhood? Maybe it's a high bouncy ball... or not. Whatever it may be, leave it in a comment or such, while I go play Soul Calibur 4. Er, that's not too nostalgic, but eh...