Monday, December 21, 2009

Month Minus Two..

Yes, it would appear that it has been almost a month.. Instead of writing boring excuses, I will tell you all about my long month.
December brought:
New advancements in my book.
Drama monologue, which I rocked!
And.. some other stuff that escapes my memory.
And there you have it... So, I guess the challenge is what's your month been like? [Sorry for a lame update...]

Monday, November 23, 2009

Excuses and Papers and Veggies, Oh My!

-Le gasp!-
It seems as though it has been much longer than a fortnight since I last wrote here.. Well, I guess that it's that time again! Excuse time! Excuse time! It's time for an excuse!! Yay.
Okay, so first off.. I've been super swamped with papers and memorizing lines for class and so forth and so on. And I've also been busy trying to get my book published. At the same time, I've been practicing my singing... Both projects are going pretty well, so I'm looking forward to seeing the results. But aside from that, I must admit that I'm still hooked on Rock Band 2. And that I'm pretty sure it's not going to stop any time soon... I also registered for classes for the Spring, so now I've got Thanksgiving to look forward to before I disappear again... I will be entering the black hole of FINALS. Oh, I hope I pass.
Side note; I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving this year. I usually always do, but this year is going to be awesome! Why? Because I get to cook my veggie meal! I'm looking forward to it.. and will return with the results... Um, I guess the challenge is to leave a comment or such [obviously it's going to be a such..] telling me what your plans are for Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

From Manchester To..

Oh bloody 'ell! It's already November! Time to look forward to our favorite holidays, where we give thanks, tackle people in lines for presents, and drink till January second of the new year! Yay... But, we're not quite done with Halloween yet, are we? And why is that, John? Because I haven't ranted about my adventure! So here it is.

So, Jamii came over and we watched Resident Evil 3: Extinction. It was a pretty decent movie; decent enough that we determined that we can not survive a zombie invasion at this point in time. Then Cholera and Aiden and Liam were here, well, rather there. And then, Lassie and Penelope arrived! And then we went to a makeshift Indirections concert! I'm not gonna lie, it was pretty solid. And then? Liam's guitar strap broke. And then? And then we sacrificed a chia pet.
The end.
Not really the end since I'm still here. So, go pick up the debut album from Indirections! It's $2 on ebay. Which is about 1.21 pounds! That's a steal!!!!!! GO GET IT.
Challenge: Tell me in a comment or such what you did for Halloween!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Horror Flicks For The Masses

WOO HOO! It's October... still. Er, anyway, I'm writing this while I'm watching a movie, and not just any movie... a horror-ish flick. I really do love horror flicks. And with Halloween quickly approaching, it seems as though that's all I want to watch. So, for all of you who aren't going trick-or-treating or to a Halloween party, I've compiled a list of horror flicks that would seem appropriate for the season. I, myself, am hoping to have a horror movie marathon with some buddies. So without further ado, here's the list of horror flicks for a great night in:

Now, in every group of horror-flick lovers, there's one person that truly loves classic horror flicks. So for them, I recommend:
The Shining, A Nightmare On Elm Street, Carrie, Friday The Thirteenth, The Exorcist, Child's Play, Poltergeist
My Top Pick: Child's Play [which is the first in a great series]

In the same group, you're also going to find someone that's really into gory flicks, so much that at the end of the flick, they're the ones who get up to "wash the [non-existent] blood" off their hands. So for them, I recommend:
Silent Hill, Saw [any of them, really; Saw II was my personal favorite], The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
My Top Pick: Silent Hill [SO AWESOME]

There's also the one that loves a good psychotic killer flick, so I recommend for you:
Funny Games, Orphan, I Still Know What You Did Last Summer [sequel to I Know What You Did Last Summer]
My Top Pick: Funny Games [really grand movie]

And I didn't forget about the ones that love sitting on the edge of their seat in suspense! Here's your list:
The Descent (does this really belong here? oh well..), The Hills Have Eyes, The Haunting In Connecticut, The Blair Witch Project
My Top Pick: Well, no matter what I add to this list, The Blair Witch Project would've trumped it anyway. And if you're impatient, watch the first ten minutes, ten in the middle, and the last twenty.

Now, I couldn't forget all of you that love vampires and zombies and slayers! And for you, I recommend:
Resident Evil, Underworld, Van Helsing, Kill Bill
My Top Pick: Underworld [has more slaying than the word; Kill Bill was really close... I'm still debating]

I also didn't forget about the kiddies or the kids in us... So, I recommend for EVERYONE:
The Nightmare Before Christmas, Beetlejuice, Coraline, Corpse Bride, Edward Scissorhands, The Addams Family Values
My Top Pick: I say have a marathon with all.

And, lastly, as I conclude this list because I can't rattle my brain much longer in search of horror flicks, I leave you with a list suitable for those of you who like to make fun of horror films while watching them:
Cabin Fever, When A Stranger Calls, Snakes On A Plane (is that even horror?), Jennifer's Body
My Top Pick: Cabin Fever [That movie just sucked]

So, there you have it. My list of random horror flicks. I mean, I could've broken down these lists way more than I did, but I'm tired and I'm really into this movie. And as I've reached its intermission, I can't help but hope that they make a Dante's Inferno movie. And a Devil May Cry one. I hope they don't suck though... Oh well. As I leave you all, the challenge is to tell me your own ideal horror flick marathon. Maybe you'd watch Hannah Montana or not... Whatever it is, leave it in a comment or such.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

October And A Bus Ride..

It's October! -le gasp!- October is an odd month. For me, anyway. There are birthdays and anniversaries, and HALLOWEEN, and the beginning of the Charlie Brown specials. Ah, Charlie Brown... one of the few cartoons of my childhood that never gets old. But, I've already been nostalgic... so, I'm not really sure why I'm typing. But, I would like to comment on a weird thing that happened yesterday on the bus. Two things, actually. So, I was sitting on the bus and listening to music and then a lady comes on the bus and she was eating an apple. It's not weird or anything, but I'm mentioning it because I usually see people eating fast food or drinking coffee on the bus, so this was quite different. Hooray for you, healthy person. Anyway, after that, these two girls got on the bus, and they were obviously high school students. And they began gossiping literally like this:
"I mean, I heard it from Amy, who heard it from Paul, who heard it from Wes, but it's supposed to be a secret, so don't tell anyone." [Note: I changed the names.]
Now, while they were in the middle of this, I just wanted to start laughing. As far as I know, I don't think I've ever had a conversation where I actually listed the stops on the gossip train. Maybe I'm just weird, but I found that really weird and not normal... But then again, neither am I, so I don't know... it just seemed like it was a scene out of a parody of an actual teenage drama show? =X
Well anyway, that was my lame adventure, and here's the challenge: Have you ever had any odd or weird encounters on the train/bus/in traffic/etc.? Maybe someone pulled your hair and tried to braid it. Or maybe someone tried to sell you batteries? Or maybe that's just me... Whatever it is, leave it in a comment or such.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Thank You, -Insert Your Name Here [No, really.]-

Well, it's been a very long time now, hasn't it? Hm, well, I've actually tried writing an entry here a few times but to no avail. All the topics seemed lackluster, and I wasn't in the mood to be dull. So today, I was feeling stressed.. CRAZY STRESSED. But then decided to stop. [Hammer Time]
Why? Because of the greatest thing in whole universe. Friends. Not the show, but the actual people that remind you that even when it's clear that your sanity is hanging by a thread, it's still hanging. So, today, I'd like to dedicate this entry to all of my friends - past, present, future, imaginary, and invisible. So if you are reading this with a group of friends, whom I may or may not know, do keep in mind that this is directed not only to you, but to all of them as well. This is dedicated to all of my friends who have been so weird, eccentric, and amazing that they've given me some of the best memories of my life. To the ones that remind me that I do exist to them, even when I forget. To the ones that accept my oddness and still choose to invite me to tag along with them in public places. To all the people that have been with me through our and my own ups and downs, lefts and rights, and are still willing to offer me tea. This is basically to everyone who I've ever spent at least five seconds with, and has changed my life for the better. This if for all the people that encourage me to be the random, oddball that I am. So, with that said, I'd like to dedicate this to the people who I've shared today and yesterday with. And all of the other days with. And now, I can honestly say that because of my friends, I can actually look forward to tomorrow. So, I thank you. Now then, the challenge will be to do the same thing I just did. Write a note to a friend or all of your friends telling them why you appreciate them. Maybe it's because they saved your life. Or shared a cookie with you. Whatever it is, just tell them.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

-InsertAwesomeNameHere-Day... Currently A WIP.

Huzzah! It hasn't been a fortnight since my last post. Anyway, today was kind of odd. First off, I woke up... at 3AM.. Kind of lame since I don't start class until around eleven. But I at least managed to get in about three hours of extra sleep. Moving along.. I was walking to my first class this morning with my buddy, Mew, and this girl was handing out pamphlets.. We walked passed her, and then she said two words that made me walk back to get one. It was a pamphlet about animal cruelty and I still feel sorry for the critters.. It totally made me thankful to be a vegetarian... but made me kind of want to get more involved. Hm... Oh! I also registered to vote today! I later made calls to the senator to go green and it was awesome. Government officials are much more pleasant on the phone than I thought they'd be.
Anyway, I had a hour to spare before my next class and between calls and such, I ended up wondering something - if I were ever in a position of power.. what would I do? Well, I think I'd have a costume day. No, not Halloween, and I'm not entirely sure why... But I would totally participate and wear about ten costumes... in that one day. I seriously already have a few planned out. I'd also strive for a greener world, raise awareness for animals, and ultimately, strive for world peace. And if all of my motions get vetoed, I'd at least opt for a Free-Hug day. Those are fun. 116 HUGS! And maybe I'd add a day or two to February... I feel like it's the underdog and maybe in MonthLand it gets bullied by all the other months. Or maybe not... it deserves to be unique. I wonder what I'd be thinking if I weren't me and I were reading this. Oh bloody 'ell... Well, before I'm off, here's the challenge. If you were President or Emperor of the World for a month, what would you do? Ban certain park rules that prohibit teens and adults from playing in playgrounds so everyone could play on the slide? Or maybe you'd use your power to stay in power and take over Pluto. No? Alright then... whatever it may be, leave it in a comment or such.