Sunday, November 1, 2009

From Manchester To..

Oh bloody 'ell! It's already November! Time to look forward to our favorite holidays, where we give thanks, tackle people in lines for presents, and drink till January second of the new year! Yay... But, we're not quite done with Halloween yet, are we? And why is that, John? Because I haven't ranted about my adventure! So here it is.

So, Jamii came over and we watched Resident Evil 3: Extinction. It was a pretty decent movie; decent enough that we determined that we can not survive a zombie invasion at this point in time. Then Cholera and Aiden and Liam were here, well, rather there. And then, Lassie and Penelope arrived! And then we went to a makeshift Indirections concert! I'm not gonna lie, it was pretty solid. And then? Liam's guitar strap broke. And then? And then we sacrificed a chia pet.
The end.
Not really the end since I'm still here. So, go pick up the debut album from Indirections! It's $2 on ebay. Which is about 1.21 pounds! That's a steal!!!!!! GO GET IT.
Challenge: Tell me in a comment or such what you did for Halloween!